Yoga with Kerry RYT1000, E-RYT500
Traditional, classical, yoga since 1990.
Yogah citta vrttinirodhah” which means Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind. When we master that, we are more able to find peace and contentment. ~ Patanjali
Yoga Classes
Winter/Spring Deal with Kerry and Nanette
Jan 15 - May 15, 2025 (19weeks)
Wed 6-7:15pm
Thurs 10-11:15am
cost: $99.00 (super deal in case classes must be cancelled due to weather)
drop in: $10
Classes are traditional in that all aspects of Yoga are experienced in a gentle, deep mindful way. Each participant is encouraged to observe themselves and connect to sensation rather than an idea of what they “should” be doing or look like. Vedic philosophy, sutra knowledge, pranayama, mantra, meditation, as well as asana (body stretches and shapes building towards a pose to find peace and stillness within) are all touched on. There is an emphasis on educating participants through experience how to quiet the mind, which may result in a healthier more balanced self. These classes are appropriate for all levels, including beginners, but more so for folks looking to understand this ancient practice as a means towards a more preferable lifestyle.
Yoga is my passion, my dharma, my life, on all levels.

Yoga became a part of my life in the 1960s when I was a child with my Mother studying and practicing Yoga. She became a Yoga teacher. Her training was of the Krishnamacharya lineage as she was a student of a disciple of Krishnamacharya. This means my first experience of Yoga was very traditional in that it encompassed all aspects of Yoga – mantra, philosophy, Ayurveda, meditation, pranayama, as well as basic asana. Mom learned it as a means to mend mental and physical health through balance and stillness. Yoga was engaged by folks back then who were seeking a path to a healthier and happier life. I assisted my Mother when she taught physically compromised youth at the YMCA in my hometown, and I accompanied her when she taught the “addictions” crowd at the local facility.
In the last 30 years I have obtained my own RYT1000 hours of certification as well as many additional certifications from courses with teachers such as Doctor Timothy McCall (Yoga as Medicine) and David Emmerson (Trauma Sensitive Yoga). My original 500 hour certification is with Therapeutic Approach Yoga Studio in Halifax NS. My RYT1000 was granted by The Yoga Studio College of Canada in recognition of the work and study I have done during several extended trips to India, working with masters, Gurus and Swamis of the Krishnamacharya (at KYM in Chennai, India) and Sivananda (in Rishikesh) lineages. I have also spent time at many ashrams and Yoga Schools in India such as Kavailyadhama Yoga and Research Institite in Lonavala , taking the programs there and experiencing the place where both Krishnamacharya and BKS Iyengar worked and lectured. In Canada I have lived at the Sivananda ashram in Val Morin, Quebec.
I have been working in the Canadian Arctic since 2003 teaching Yoga in schools, addiction facilities, prisons and Elder centers. I developed and implemented a program for the North entitled “Building Resiliency for Youth through Yoga”. It was delivered to staff and school teachers throughout communities in the Arctic regions of Nunavut and Northwest Territories.
I am the lead teacher and facilitator of the Saimavik Yoga Teacher Training School that offers a traditional Trauma Sensitive approach for the RYT200 certification course. Currently it is being offered in Tusket Nova Scotia Canada. I am available to travel and deliver this certification course anywhere a group is ready. I also have assisted in teaching many RYT200 courses throughout Canada.
Through my experiences of offering community classes and workshops, facilitating several intensive Yoga retreats in Canada, travelling through India with groups, and leading RYT 200hr courses I have seen many folks (young and old) go through a personal transformation enabling them to move into a more helpful balanced and peaceful life.
Also, I was selected as one of the 7 Yoga Teachers profiled for the international documentary movie Planet Yoga. It was released in 2010.
Tusket House is an Ashram
located in Tusket Nova Scotia Canada
902-648-7828 (facebook page Tusket House)
What is an Ashram
It is a spiritual residential home. Folks can stay here to attend events such as classes, courses and retreats. Or if one needs a break from the material world, immersing themselves in a spiritual setting to focus on practice,, this is the place. There is no staff, everyone lives together as family, pitching in with meals, clean up and the daily running of the household.

How Does it Work
We offer events where folks can come daily, staying elsewhere, or stay here, in residence. Room costs are to be added on to program cost (unless otherwise stated). Private queen room $60 per night, double room $50 per night, shared, tenting and trailer space is $30 per night..

Event costs vary. Most events include healthy vegetarian meals with some dairy and gluten free choices.

"Retreat" from your everyday life by living in a Yoga community of like minded folks. Experience what it means to actually "Live Yoga" 24/7. Not by changing who you are, or your life, but by connecting to your own true Self, through practices enabling you to discover your inherent natural and authentic being. Truly LIVE YOGA.
Retreats usually begin at 3:00pm on first day, and end at noon on departure day. (these times may differ for smaller retreats)They are based on Traditional Yoga and Ayurveda principles and practices. The practices are gentle, allowing the participant to "retreat" from the difficulties and challenges of the extreme circumstance of today. There is a residential option meaning participants can choose to stay in a private room, or shared space at Tusket House, or use own tent or camper on the property. There is often a theme for retreats and the schedule and programming will reflect that. A schedule and outline is given to participants upon arrival. Each day usually begins at 8am and ends at 8pm with 2 hrs off for lunch. There is a 1/2 hr - 45min morning and afternoon break and 1 hr off at suppertime. Prices include healthy vegetarian meals, some prepared by Ayurveda chef, Kabir Raj Rana, some prepared as a group, as part of learning healthy meal practices and menus. *please note - for longer stays there may be a request to bring assigned grocery items, or pot luck, to help keep costs down
2025 Retreat Schedule:
-more events to be added as they are confirmed
-each event requires a non refundable deposit (unless event is cancelled by the facilitators). Amount of deposit varies depending on the event.
*important note: any and all credits must be used in 2025. No previous credits (before 2025)will be honored after 2025
Jan 17-19, 2025 Intro to Doing the Work Arrive 3:00pm for welcome class, 5:00pm light supper, 6:00-7:30pm evening program. 8:00am Sat morning program, 9:00am breakfast, 10-12 noon program. 12-2:00pm personal guided time. 2:00-5:00pm program. 5:00pm supper. 6:00-7:30pm evening program, Sun morning same as Sat. Noon departure.
This retreat is for those who have been trying to get into a better place within their lives, but seem to get stuck...or those who are tired of the same old patterns and are realizing there needs to be change, but just dont know how to go about that. We will learn how past experiences, maybe even past generations, have manifested in our lives in a way that has prevented us from moving forward into a more healed and healthier place, and what we can do about that. Please see poster below for some of the practices we will use. *non refundable deposit of $50 required, to hold your spot
March 22 Healing Generational Pain workshop with Dr. Adrienne Wood ND. Exact location to be determined but it will be in Windsor NS.
10am - 5pm with 1 hr lunch break (bring own lunch, or purchase at nearby cafe) 5 - 6 pm restorative Yoga to integrate. Cost: $100
This workshop will go over how to use to tools of traditional Yoga,somatic practices & constellation theory to explore how generational pain shows up in our lives as patterns, events and illnesses. We will share how to grow personal awareness of how to start healing those patterns to make change. This workshop, or the Nov Constellation Theory workshop or any of the Doing the Work workshops or retreats is required for the May "Deep Dive" Retreat. *non refundable deposit of $50 required to hold your spot
May 16 - May 20 The much requested "Deep Dive" into Doing the Work Retreat Part 2
Please note *This retreat expands on the knowledge and awareness gained from previous Doing the Work or Healing Generational Pain retreats. One or both of those previous retreats are a prerequisite.
Also note, you may choose to attend - May 16-19 (3 nights only) for cost of $400 plus rooms,
or extended option - May 16- 19th (one extra full day and night) for cost of $425 plus rooms.
The extended option includes the concept of bringing God into the work, and how this can be an added component towards healing.
Arrival time is 3:00pm on the 16th, departure is noon whether you choose the 3 day or extended option. Non refundable deposit of $50 is required for either option, to hold your spot.
June 15-July 8 Yoga Facilitator Certification Details Below
Sept 12-14 Mens Retreat Details Coming
Sept 26-29 Anatomy Informed Yoga certification (30hrs cert towards 500hr) course with Mike Munro PT Weekend Retreat
to unplug and delve into the practice and study of authentic yoga traditions and modern anatomy and physiology. This is a residential retreat that will include: Daily Yoga and meditation, Intro to non violent communication, hands on assist, Yoga Anatomy, Intro to Pranassage (Yoga and Massage combined), Teaching exercises.
Start time is 3:00pm on Friday the 26th, end time is noon on the 29th.
Cost: $450 course and meals, additional $40-$60 per night for accommodations
*This course will be part of the 100hr advanced certification 10 day residential Retreat. One may come to this part only, or stay for the additional 6.5 days for the full 100hr certification.
*Non refundable deposit of $50 required to hold your spot
Sept 26 - Oct 5 100 hr advanced certification for those working towards their 100 hrs. Details Below
Retreat Posters

May 2026 tentative for the next time we run this program - In India
(or retreat location in Nova Scotia that can support a larger group than Tusket House can)
- (cost for India or another location will be more than on the poster as food, accommodations and flights must be considered)
100 hour certification Yoga of Sound, Pranayama and Meditation
come live the full Yoga experience 24/7 with the teachers in the traditional way
for those with a 200hr certification or those who wish deeper study of Nada Yoga the Yoga of sound.
* this course is appropriate for those who have already done the 200hr YTT and are working towards a 500hr certification.
course includes:
*deep Yogic practices
*sound healing
*dance movement
*nature connection
and so much more...
Total price for course: $1,500 + food and accommodations + flights
*$1,500 is course only, if you stay and eat offsite
$500 deposit to hold your spot
To register, please contact Kerry for an application.
*this course is for adults only, including residential stays
200hr Yoga Facilitator Certification (In Person) June 15-July 8, 2025
200 Hour Traditional Yoga Facilitator Certification with Trauma Awareness
*Learn how to work with folks wishing to find balance and equanimity within their own lives holistically.
*Emphasizing how to teach in a way sensitive for students dealing with challenges as a result of trauma and/or high stress.
*Focus on deep inner body work in a gentle, authentic (non-coercive) way. The asana component of this training will be centered on how to work with it as a pathway for one to travel deeper within to your Self. Although asana is an excellent form of fitness in any way it is practiced, this training will not have an emphasis on learning or teaching it as a form of fitness workout.
*Includes a special module touching on Yoga of Sound and sacred movement with Maryz and Kirtan with Surya Chandra.
*Traditional approach including history and roots of Yoga as outlined in Veda. Philosophy component will be based mostly on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, as well as some Veda and Upanishad
*Beneficial for those who wish a certification in many aspects of Traditional Yoga, not only asana.. Ideal for certified instructors seeking to enrich their teaching scope. Appropriate for those who may not wish to teach, but do wish to connect more deeply with their own Self through a traditional Yoga approach.
This training will be given in a 2 part (10 days module 1, 3 days off, then 10 days module 2 ) immersion/retreat formula, in the traditional way.
Certification is given through Yoga Studio College of Canada
* Please note, this is an intensive, residential study and experience of the teachings of Yoga. It can be transformational for those who are ready. It is much more than a course of simply giving information. This might be more intensive than expected, for those who wish only to "get the paper".

Cost & Specifics for the Tusket House YFC (Yoga Facilitator Certification)
Module 1: June 15-25 Module 2: June 29-July 8 *3 days off in between modules (June 26,27 & 28 are days off for rest and integration)
arrival day times 3:00pm (June 15 and 29 are arrival days) , departure day times 12:30 noon (June 25 and July 8 are departure days)
Cost and breakdown per person:
$2,500 certification course incl manual
+$500 meal plan (*delicious, nutritious, organic, non gmo where possible vegetarian - most meals prepared by chef Kabir Raj Rana)
+$500-$800 (depending on room) accommodations *if staying at on site at Tusket House
=$3,500-$3,800 (depending on room) Total *If staying at on site at Tusket House
Core Group of Tusket House Ashram
Introducing: starting from back left:
Daniel - music prof Dalhousie, Nada Yoga Facilitator, SuryaChandra member
Dr. Adrienne - Naturopathic Doctor, Yoga Facilitator, Certified Family and Systems Constellation to work through generational patterns and pain
Kerry - Senior Yoga Facilitator, owner of Tusket House Ashram
Nanette - Yoga Facilitator and assistant/colleague
Genie - RMT and Yoga Facilitator, SuryaChandra member
Dr Ange Cooper - Doctor of Psychology and Psychology Course creator
Maryz - Senior Yoga Facilitator specializing in Nada Yoga, owner of Mystical Embodiment School, Co-Founder SuryaChandra
Pierre - Nada Yoga Facilitator, Co-Founder of SuryaChandra
Kabir (see below)
Maryz (more details below)
Jon Collins (our Mens Groups Facilitator - see below)

Kabir Raj Rana
Kabir was born and raised in a remote, isolated village in the Himalayan region of northern India. The closest medical attention was by foot or oxcart (there was no road) to a bus that would take 10 hours before reaching a doctor. As a result, Kabir learned Ayurveda and Yoga as a means to survive and heal. It is part of him. As an adult he graduated Kavailyadhama Yoga and Ayurveda Research Institute certification course and then went on to the Vivekananda University in Bangalore. May 1 2011 Kabir Immigrated to Canada and is now a Canadian citizen living at Tusket House and sharing his expertise with us.

Maryz is an artist/musician/yogini with 25+ years experience of facilitating sacred space. Weaving together earth/body wisdom, yoga, creative arts, mantra chanting, sound/vocal attunement, rituals and dance. She is the founder of the School of Mystical Embodiment, and co-founder of SuryaChandra, a yogic music group that has produced 4 albums.
you can learn more about Maryz and her beautiful offerings at mysticalembodiment

Jon Collins
“My path has led me to facilitating Men’s Retreats and Men’s Circles due to my own healing experience of sitting and sharing in vulnerability in group therapy sessions with my Military Veteran brothers.My experiences freed me of feeling isolated and alone with stored emotions and thoughts as many men do. These experiences were transformational for my personal growth and cleared a path for deeper self discovery and healing.I pondered the idea of creating this space for many years, but I had that inner voice asking me “who are you to hold this space?!” But if not me, who?!I knew deep within it was my purpose. I feel from my life experiences that many men feel isolated with their thoughts as I once did, and they don’t feel they have a safe container to express their emotions (feelings) and thoughts freely without judgement or shaming and while receiving compassion.I have known men that have felt so much pain within them that they saw no other alternative but to take their lives. Statistically men have the highest rate of suicide, addictions, incarceration and the least likely to reach for help. Why is this?!We can start by looking back towards our childhood. We cannot continue to condition our boys to believe that “real men” do not feel and do not express feelings as it demonstrates weakness. If we do, how can we hope for them to be comfortable connecting with their emotions, in order to process and release?“To indoctrinate boys into the rules of patriarchy, we force them to feel pain and to deny their feelings” - Bell HooksBrotherhood circles that have deep connection through communication is a vital nutrient for men.This type of connection for men is NOT common so I started by holding space for my first men’s circle which has grown organically and continues to this very day. It has confirmed for me that men do need and want this. I have witnessed transformation in many men within this circle as they have realized they are not alone with their thoughts or emotions and that we all share many of the same life’s struggles as fellow men.I’m not creating these circles and retreats to provide therapy or give medical advice, but to foster a safe space, to plant a seed for a deeper connection to ourselves and other men and to feel supported and heard.

Sept 26 - Oct 5 2025.
100 hour certification Advanced Yoga Intensive
come live the full Yoga experience 24/7 with the teachers in the traditional way
for those with a 200hr certification or those who wish deeper study of Yoga especially as a way to help heal from trauma.
* This will count as an additional 100hr towards your 500hr
course includes:
*use of props and assists
*Yoga Sutras, Veda and Upanishad
*trauma awareness *what that means and how to work with it, on a larger scale than what was covered in previous level ones
*learning how to work with people who are "managing" their healing journey - working with their trauma, rather than actually healing. There IS a difference
*nidra with sankalpa
*sacred sound and movement
*nature practices
and much more....
and much more

This course may be used towards a 500hr Yoga Studio College of Canada certification designation. Add it to your existing 200hr (obtained by any school), take the 100hr Intensive Level 2 (date to be announced) and show proof of a total of 100 additional study and/or teaching hours. Each case will be reviewed individually, please discuss details with Kerry.
Course cost only: $1,250
+meal plan: $250 + accommodations on site at Tusket House: $250-$400 (depending on room)
*if wish more upscale, private situation, you may stay at Kathys down the road for $60 per night
$300 deposit to hold your spot once you have registered, balance paid upon start of course, when you have arrived
To register, please contact Kerry for an application.
*this course is for adults only, including residential stays
Books to be ordered and paid for by student. (manual is included) Please be sure to have the required books by start of course.
Required books: "Instructing Hatha Yoga" a guide for Teachers and students by Diane M Ambrosini
"Yoga Anatomy" second edition by Leslie Kaminoff and Amy Mathews
not required but suggested "The Myth of Normal" by Gabor Mate MD
"Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice" by T.K.V. Desikachar
"Overcoming Trauma through Yoga" by David Emmerson and Elizabeth Hopper, PhD
"Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" by B.K.S. Iyengar
"The Secret of the Yoga Sutras" by Rajmani Tigunait
"The Practice of the Yoga Sutras" by Rajmani Tigunail
Yoga with Youth

Yoga in Daycare
Little ones love to explore what they can do with their bodies. They have no fear and Yoga helps them to move and navigate the world discovering things they didnt even know they could do. This is very empowering and teaches them to be "comfortable in their own skin" at a very early age. This serves them well during difficult and challenging times throughout their life.

Yoga in Schools
My daughter entered kindergarten in the public school system in 1992, after being raised in a very quiet, calm atmosphere, She was traumatized and refused to speak at school. I volunteered Yoga in her classroom twice a week. It helped her, as well as the other little ones adapting, immensely. I realized then Yoga must become a part of the school system. It was then I dedicated my life to doing whatever it took for Yoga to be part of the public school system. Long story short....(I could write a book just on that process) Yoga is part of the public school system in most of Canada. Of course, the practice becoming mainstream, and many, many of us wanting the same thing during that time certainly helped!

Yoga for tired Mamas
The benefits of Yoga for Mamas and their babies and children is profound.

No equipment needed. Anyone can do it. Especially beneficial for the Youth who are not sports or competitive minded. By the way, children LOVE to be taught (and given permission) to quiet the mind and find stillness.
Kerry Lawson
Phone: (902) 648-7828
Email: yogawithkerry@yahoo.ca